• Our Comprehensive List of Coaching Services

  • Meet yourself in each moment with Somatic Experiencing...to peel away the layers of the onion...and find that you already are: Peace, Love, Truth and Freedom

    In Somatic Self-Inquiry & Integration™, we integrate a variety of somatic integration practices with Non-Duality and Self-Inquiry.  Non-dual Awareness is simply our natural state.  It's a deeper state of presence and mindfulness in which we were all born and lived in as a child until we became intellectualized and socially conditioned.   

    Get support and guidance in 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Nina online in either Somatic Experiencing and/or Somatic Self-Inquiry & Integration.™ 



  • Nourish your body with the food it is designed to *thrive* on.  Allow your body to feel content.

    Avoiding neurotoxins in our food helps decrease inflammation, optimize brain function, and improve emotional resiliency.   

    Detoxing allows us to remove built up neurotoxins.


  • (In Person PT is currently on hold)

    Receive a discerning assessment of your physical issue to see how much of it is Mechanical (Musculoskeletal) vs. how much is of Trauma/Emotion/Stress (Psychosomatic) origin. 

    Receive appropriate exercises for both. 


  • (Ergonomic Consultations are currently on hold)

    Receive a Customized Ergonomics Assessment to ensure proper positioning of your body at your workplace, home, or vehicle. 

    These are great for Prevention as well as Reducing Strain on existing injuries so they can fully heal.


  • (In Person Yoga Therapy is currently on hold)

    Deeply understand your body type and existing injuries so you can modify your yoga program to best serve your needs. 

    Yoga therapy integrates a physical therapy assessment with your favorite practice.
